Transportation in Sapa - Lao Cai
Transportation in Sapa - Lao Cai
T - Train Station: Non. Go to Lao Cai first then take a bus or bike taxi. 1.5 hrs.
T1 - Train Ticketing Office: Cau May st., T871480
Also you can book at travel agents or at your hotel.
B1 Bus station:
To Lao Cai: Buses leaves near the church when it gets full.
Also you can get one along the side of the main road.
Lao Cai - >Sapa: local 15000/ tourist 25000D
Sapa -> Lao Cai: 10000/15000-40,000D
To the border to China (called "guojing or goukyou")
Take a same minibus to the Lao Cai train station. Get off just after crossing the bridge and walk to the left for 500m. Ask the minibus driver. Usually they will take you to the border.
B2 Tourist Bus:
Mini buses or jeeps organized by travel agents leave to Lao Cai and Hanoi.
by Dang Trung GH:
Mini bus to Lao Cai 25000D, to Hanoi160000D
Jeep to Lao Cai: 140000D/jeep
T - Train Station: Non. Go to Lao Cai first then take a bus or bike taxi. 1.5 hrs.
T1 - Train Ticketing Office: Cau May st., T871480
Also you can book at travel agents or at your hotel.
B1 Bus station:
To Lao Cai: Buses leaves near the church when it gets full.
Also you can get one along the side of the main road.
Lao Cai - >Sapa: local 15000/ tourist 25000D
Sapa -> Lao Cai: 10000/15000-40,000D
To the border to China (called "guojing or goukyou")
Take a same minibus to the Lao Cai train station. Get off just after crossing the bridge and walk to the left for 500m. Ask the minibus driver. Usually they will take you to the border.
B2 Tourist Bus:
Mini buses or jeeps organized by travel agents leave to Lao Cai and Hanoi.
by Dang Trung GH:
Mini bus to Lao Cai 25000D, to Hanoi160000D
Jeep to Lao Cai: 140000D/jeep
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